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River Inn - map - detail river guide

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421,0 Martina, švýcarská celnice, běžně se nejezdíFollows 6,0 km
415,0 put in Altfinstermunz - za MV WW IV-V - pozor za VV!!!, Schalkhof rakouská celnice put in, Follows 3,0 km
412,0 bridge bridge road [180] Kajetansbrücke water gauge camps Camping Via ClaudiaseeFollows 4,0 km
408,0 bridge bridge road PfundsFollows 7,0 km
401,0 bridgebridgeput inweirpart Tosener Strecke: impassable bridge road [180] bridge road Tösens put in, 2x rozvalený weir - prohlédnout, traverzyFollows 7,0 km
394,0 bridgepart Tosener Strecke: impassable bridge road Ried im Oberinntal Follows 3,0 km
391,0 bridgetake offpart Tosener Strecke: impassable bridge road Prutz camps left, take off, Follows 5,0 km
386,0 přehrada nesj., dále suché až do Landeck - jen za VV - WW V-VI impassable, !!!Follows 4,0 km
382,0 bridgepart Landecker schlu: impassable bridge road Urgen, začátek Landecker schlucht - WW III-IV (pozor, musí elektrárna pouštět vodu - většinou odpoledne)Follows 5,0 km
377,0 bridgetributarypart Landecker schlu: impassable a few bridge road Landeck,tributary left Sanna Follows 11,0 km (GPS: 47.143101,10.561412)
366,0 take offbridge Schonwies right, take off, and follows 500 m bridge road Follows 4,0 km (GPS: 47.199383,10.659223)
362,0 bridgeput in bridge road Imst put in, Follows 2,0 km (GPS: 47.218253,10.754550)
360,0 tributary tributary right Pitzbach Follows 4,0 km
356,0 bridgepart Imsterschlucht: impassable bridge road Roppen, začátek Imsterschlucht - WW III-IV - pozor za VV, vodočet v Haimingu - 200 (300 VV)Follows 2,0 km
354,0 bridgepart Imsterschlucht: impassable 2x bridge road Follows 2,0 km
352,0 bridgepart Imsterschlucht: impassable 2x bridge footbridge Follows 1,5 km
350,5 bridgebridgepart Imsterschlucht: impassable wood bridge local and follows 800m bridge footbridge Follows 2,5 km
348,0 tributarypart Imsterschlucht: impassable tributary right Otztaler Ache - nejtežší místa schluchtuFollows 1,0 km
347,0 bridgebridgepart Imsterschlucht: impassable bridge road and follows 500m bridge localFollows 3,0 km
344,0 bridge bridge road Haiming, dále WW II-I Follows 6,4 km (GPS: 47.256817,10.870510) (GPS: 47.241211,10.877301) (GPS: 47.241211,10.877301)
337,6 MotzFollows 10,6 km
327,0 Telfs Follows 12,0 km
315,0 tributary Zirl, tributary right Melach Follows 16,4 km
298,6 tributary Innsbruck, loděnice, tributary right Sill Follows 10,6 km
288,0 Solbad Hall, 3km dlouhá peřejFollows 7,5 km
280,5 Fritzens, TFollows 7,5 km
273,0 bridge bridge road dálnice Follows 3,0 km
270,0 SchwarFollows 7,5 km
262,5 JenbachFollows 6,5 km
256,0 tributary tributary right Ziller Follows 4,0 km
252,0 bridge Brixleg, bridge road a peřejFollows 1,5 km
250,5 bridge Rattenberg bridge road dálniceFollows 8,5 km
242,0 bridgetributary bridge road Kundl, tributary left Wildschonauer Ache Follows 6,0 km
236,0 tributary Wongl, tributary right Brixentaler Ache Follows 2,5 km
233,5 přehrada nesj.Follows 13,5 km
220,0 tributarytake off tributary right Weissach , Kufstein take off, Follows 16,0 km
204,0 hranice
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