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Kurzy Vodácké školy záchrany v roce 2025
Home Poland Gwda Mapa

River Gwda - map - detail river guide

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River guide:

118,8 výrok z jezera Wielimie,left, jsou pevnůstky obranné linie Pomořského valu Follows 0,9 km
117,9 bridgetributary bridge local and follows 500 m tributary left Dolga Follows 1,2 km
116,7 bridgeput in bridge road [20] Gwda Wlk. put in, Foto na rkm 116,7 Začátek pod přehradou Follows 1,0 km (GPS: 53.733913,16.808200)
115,7 bridge bridge railway Follows 4,5 km
111,2 bridge bridge footbridge cyklo, hájovna left, Foto na rkm 111,2 Gwda v lesním úsekuFollows 3,0 km
108,2 non official camp-site Jeleni Ruczaj right, Follows 1,1 km (GPS: 53.6940417,16.8557867) (GPS: 53.6940417,16.8557867)
107,1 bridge bridge railway Follows 2,7 km
104,4 weir weir portage right non official camp-site right, Golebiewo (Klepacz) vp Follows 1,7 km (GPS: 53.6751150,16.8664217) (GPS: 53.6751642,16.8659764) (GPS: 53.6751642,16.8659764)
102,7 bridgeweir bridge local weir - scout Foto na rkm 102,7 Jízek pod Golebiewem Follows 6,0 km (GPS: 53.6679742,16.8712494)
96,7 weir weir portage left or right , pod jezem začátek rezerwatu Dolina Gwdy až do Ledyczku Follows 0,3 km (GPS: 53.6342078,16.8905050)
96,4 bridgetributary bridge local Lubnica left, non official camp-site and follows 200 m tributary left Czernica Follows 5,6 km (GPS: 53.6341775,16.8910186) (GPS: 53.6341775,16.8910186)
90,8 bridgeweir bridge local and follows 50 m weir portage right – vjet do náhonu a od mostu přenést po elektrárnu, u mostu non official camp-site left, Domyšl left, Follows 2,0 km (GPS: 53.5984567,16.9218386) (GPS: 53.5997969,16.9232656) (GPS: 53.5997969,16.9232656)
88,8 start begin of reservoir Follows 1,9 km
86,9 weir weir portage right Lomczewko right, Follows 4,2 km
82,7 tributary tributary left Szczyra Follows 0,9 km
81,8 bridgetributarytributary bridge road [22] Ledyczek left, non official camp-site left, asi 100 m pod bridge, tributary left Dobrzynka and follows 300 m tributary right Czarna Foto na rkm 81,8 Gwda v Ledyczku Follows 3,5 km (GPS: 53.5341975,16.9521517) (GPS: 53.5341975,16.9521517)
78,3 start begin of reservoir lake Podgaje Follows 4,0 km
74,3 weir weir portage left canal right, s MVE Follows 2,3 km
72,0 tributary tributary right náhon elektrárny Follows 0,3 km
71,7 bridge bridge road Grudna left, Follows 0,4 km
71,3 start begin of reservoir lake Jastrowskie Follows 6,1 km
65,2 weir weir portage left end of dam -obtížné a dlouhé přenášení Follows 1,1 km
64,1 bridgebridge bridge road [189] bridge footbridge Follows 3,8 km
60,3 start begin of reservoir lake Ptuszowskie Follows 6,7 km
53,6 weirbridge weir portage right and follows 300 m bridge road Ptusza restaurant right, Follows 3,6 km
50,0 weir weir portage right Tarnowski Mlyn camps restaurant right, Follows 5,1 km (GPS: 53.3472147,16.8141600) (GPS: 53.3472147,16.8141600)
44,9 bridge bridge local restaurant 500 m right and follows 600 m Plytnica 500 m right, Follows 1,6 km
43,3 tributarybridge tributary right Plytnica and follows 150 m bridge footbridge Follows 5,0 km
38,3 bridge bridge road [11] Follows 0,2 km
38,1 bridgetributary bridge road Krepsko and follows 200 m tributary right Rurzyca Follows 0,4 km
37,7 camps left, Follows 4,6 km (GPS: 53.2600019,16.7818019) (GPS: 53.2600019,16.7818019)
33,1 tributaryweir tributary right Pilawa and follows 200 m weir portage left Follows 0,6 km
32,5 bridge bridge road [11] Dobrzyca restaurant Follows 0,3 km
32,2 tributary tributary left Glomia Follows 5,5 km
26,7 bridgetake offweirtake off bridge road [10] take off, and follows 1,7 km weir portage left take off, next uninteresting Follows 26,7 km (GPS: 53.183115,16.768578)
0,0 mouth into tributary right Notečí
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