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Vodácká škola záchrany s. r. o.

Rescue from stopper

1-day course from dangerous stopper

Course focus

Unique course with specific content and terrain. It is a closely specialized course to rescue people from stopper. It is the oftenist cause of death of czech paddlers. In our country there is a many number of dangerous weirs and rescue of people is very complicated and knowledge of rescue techniques is necessary.

Many people drown in trying to save others
There are often that a rescuer drowned in stopper when trying to save another person. And what if the material remains in stopper, how do you advise?

The most visited course
Rescue from the dangerous weir is the most visited course in our offer. It is very popular between paddlers and professional firemen.

The course is accredited
The course is accredited at the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under Ref. MSMT-522 / 2017-2-217 . Validity of certificates is 5 years.

This course is organized separately to rescue persons with extended program about other rescue techniques using raft.

Program of course


8:30 Meet at the stopper
9:00 The theory about weirs and hydrology, the stoppers, the appropriate equipment, the theory about throwbags, etc.
10:30 Practice in the stopper – self-defense rescue from stopper, rescue with throwbag, rescue organization, paddling in stopper
13:30 Lunch
14:00 Rescue with boats – 2 point boat system, rescue of materials from bank
16:00 Rescue practice
17:00 End of cource
Rescue from stopper

How many courses did we have

111 courses
1336 trained paddlers
1110 course hours

Who should be interested

  • somebody who wants know special rescue technique
  • people who want to help others
  • beginners, advanced or experienced paddlers
  • paddling community
Rescue from stopper

Detail of course

  • Course duration: 8 hours
  • Locality: near of Nové Město nad Metují - Czech Rep.
  • Equipment: paddle shoes, neoprene long join, paddle cag and teddy, buoyancy Aids with harness belt with quick release buckle, paddle helmet.
  • Recommended equipment:
Rescue from stopper

Price and date

DateRegistration deadlinePriceComment 

- preparation, transport and teaching of teachers, rescue material, lease of land, provision of manipulation at the dam, compensation for the loss water from dam
- the price not includes the personal equipment of the participants (lifejackes with safety harness, helmets, neoprene, water shoes ...), catering, transport of participants to the course.

Purpose of course

  1. control of special rescue techniques from stopper, self-rescue and rescue others from stopper
  2. why is stopper dangerous?

The emphasis will be on gaining practical knowledge.

Terms and conditions for whitewater in course

  1. statement about swimm skill (a swimmer is a person who swims at least 200 m in any swimming style without stops and underwater for at least 10 m)
  2. Medical checkup
  3. accident insurance for paddling sport (up to WW II) (eg Alpenverein or commercial insurance with extension to Sports activity)
  4. a ban to use alcohol during course and at least 8 hours before the start of course
  5. Age above 15 years
  6. Good experiences with Rescue bag or knowledge as in course Individual rescue