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River Noce - detail river guide

79% Oblíbenost řeky

River guide:

62,5 tributarybridgeput in tributary left Vermigliana Cusiano bridge road put in, , regulation in length 800m, next WW IIFollows 1,9 km
60,6 bridge right, Pelizzano bridge road Follows 1,1 km
59,5 weir weir navigable after inspect and follows 400m bridge, next up to WW IIIFollows 1,8 km
57,7 bridgetake offput in bridge local Mezzano left, take off, put in, Follows 0,1 km
57,6 start slalom part WW IVFollows 0,6 km
57,0 bridgetake offput in end slalom part bridge local take off, put in, , next WW III-IVFollows 1,0 km
56,0 bridgebridgetake offput in bridge local rapid Piano - the rivers goes to right where is rock!! and follows 100m bridge local Piano left, take off, put in, Follows 1,7 km
54,3 bridge bridge local Mestriago left, next WW IIFollows 1,1 km
53,2 weir weir navigable left, next WW IFollows 0,4 km
52,8 bridgebridgetake off bridge road bridge local Dimaro vp,campsright, take off, and follows 200m begin of hard rapids (rapide della segheria) - only for experts - 800 m with difficulty WW V ! - view from right bankFollows 1,0 km
51,8 bridgebridge bridge road Dimaro right and follows 400m bridge roadFollows 0,3 km
51,5 bridgeweirput in bridge local Monclassico left and follows 50m weirdrop navigable - after inspect. Pod jezem put in, , next 2km WW II-IIIFollows 3,5 km
48,0 bridge bridge local Croviana left, Follows 0,8 km
47,2 weirput inbridge weirdrop navigable - after inspect, under jezem put in, , bridge road Male vl Follows 0,9 km
46,3 bridge bridge footbridge next begin of forest gorge (golle boschive) - difficult long rapids WW III – IV, nice countryside Follows 2,0 km
44,3 tributarybridge tributary left Rabbies - possible to improve speed - river is narrow with bigger drop. valley and follows 300m bridge local Follows 2,3 km
42,0 bridge bridge local Caldes left, Follows 1,6 km
40,4 bridge bridge road Cavizzana right, Follows 2,4 km
38,0 bridgetake off bridge road Ponte Stori left, Bozzana left, take off, , next extrem difficulty and narrow gorges ( 2 m ) in deep canyon without possibility to take off Follows 3,0 km
35,0 bridgetake offtributarytake off bridge road Mostizzolo left, take off, , tributary left Pescara, lze jet po jezeru do říčky Pescara a take off, Follows 6,0 km
29,0 tributary do zátoky tributary left NovellaFollows 5,0 km
24,0 end of dam impassable, , next with good water level WW III Follows 5,0 km
19,0 begin of reservoir ProtoloFollows 1,5 km
17,5 end of dam impassable, , portage left, next with good water level Follows 5,5 km
12,0 bridge bridge road Denno Follows 3,5 km
8,5 bridgetake off bridge road La Rochetta - next drought take off, , the water goes back to the river - WW III and follows 200mFollows 0,5 km
8,0 bridge bridge road Mezzolombarde !! Follows 0,2 km
7,8 weir weir danger impassable, !! The big roller without possibility for transport !! Follows 0,8 km
7,0 weir weir portage right impassable, , regul. koryto Follows 1,0 km
6,0 bridge Mezzolombardo left, a few bridge road Follows 5,0 km
1,0 bridge bridge road Zambana Follows 1,0 km
0,0 mouth into tributary right do Adige
Tisk kilometráže:

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nebezpečnéjezy.cz suchéjezy.cz Asociace vodní turistiky a sportu

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