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Kámen na Voidomatisu

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Re: Bober, Hanka, 7/10/2014 6:28 PM
Hi, it was 30th of April. I am sorry, I don ´ t know the pegel, but there were full under the water the stairs in fish stairs on weir near the turkisch bridge. The last year there was a second stair a little bit visible and it was fine. But I mean that this rock is dangerous just during short time (there is no siphon, no hole under the rock, just stream around it.) We were there 2 days later for the rest of kayaks. It was another few centimetres more water and I mean that the rock was not dangerous, no during higher level. Just the last big cataract (it ´ s possible go along on the left side) is more difficult during the higher level of the water . Smajlík

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